Family meals are a good indicator of how families become and stay connected.  It is well-known that they are a unifying force in families and reduce behavioral problems in children.  Research shows that children who eat dinner with their families do better in school, are less likely to drink, smoke, do drugs, or develop eating disorders.  Unfortunately, Americans rank 23rd of 25 countries in participating in family meals.

Young children who share family meals show improved literacy skills.  Research shows that family meals also have a positive impact on childhood weight problems.  Children and adolescents who share meals with their parents tend to eat more fruits, vegetables, and less fried foods and soft drinks at their meals.  The feeding experience and positive family dynamics associated with eating helps children develop a healthy perspective on nutrition, food enjoyment, and nurturance.

For the stressed out, time challenged modern family the benefits of a close knit family system are even more important.  With two-career couples, long working hours, and kids with a host of extra-curricular activities, this is not always easy.  Fortunately, studies have revealed that it is quality not quantity that matters most.

The Columbia University Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse has found that most of the positive benefits can be obtained from just 10 minutes of connection time during a meal.  If dinnertime connection is not practical, family bonding can also occur during family breakfast or dessert.  Having a bedtime snack as a family or scheduling a one-time-per-week Sunday supper also is effective.

Adults tend to manipulate 2/3 of the conversation during meals.  Family cohesion can be enhanced by allowing kids to speak for at least half of the time.  Family meals are also a great opportunity to share family stories and history, convey family values and build family togetherness.